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Stop innovating and start IMPLEMENTING!

Digital Health's Global Evolution: 2003-2025 (And Beyond)
Digital Health's Global Evolution (from a presentation on Digital Health by

We really don't believe in re-inventing the wheel! We're even re-using this slide we found on the internet on "The Evolution of Digital Health" as we think it's so apposite. Its time to ensure we use and implement all the good thinking that has gone before.

Take, for example: Atul Gawande's second Reith Lecture The Century of the System, (broadcast back in 2014), who argued: “The fundamental problem we need to solve in healthcare is that of extreme complexity.In the last century it was possible for a single individual (or a single innovation) to address all the knowledge necessary to deliver impactful solutions.In the next century extreme complexity will  require us to develop SYSTEMS APPROACHES to deliver our solutions.”

That doesn't mean the solutions need to be complex too. It just means they're more likely to be found in networks or collaborative approaches, and not at the level of the individual or within the compass of a single organisation.

That's why DaSH Global are a networking organisation, developing collaborative RWE & Research approaches that work holistically across and with multiple stakeholders. We are connecting and IMPLEMENTING the next generation of digital health research solutions using already proven methods & technologies. For example: secure mobile digital software , Patient Reported Outcomes Measures, wearables, real-time dashboard analytics and Artificial Intelligence, and linking it all into existing connected health data infrastructures.

After all, innovation is not about inventing or even re-inventing things, but rather its how to take any new or existing approach or technology and deliver them sustainably, to maximise their collective impact – in the age of IMPLEMENTATION!'


If this is of interest contact us about our disease area Digital Assessment Xchange (DAX) platforms. ( or

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